
Current number of Acronymns defined is 163.


Full Name


AC Ambulatory Care When a patient needs medical attention without the need for admission, it is called ambulatory care. Ambulatory care includes several medical procedures or treatments that can be performed on an ambulatory basis. Blood tests, X-rays, endoscopy, biopsy and vaccination are some examples of ambulatory care.
ACSC Ambulatory care sensitive conditions Health conditions where appropriate ambulatory care prevents or reduces the need for hospital admission
ADB2C Active Directory Business to Consumer Azure Active Directory B2C provides business-to-customer identity as a service. Your customers use their preferred social, enterprise, or local account identities to get single sign-on access to your applications and APIs.
ADT Admission, Discharge, Transfer message (HL7) Patient Administration, also known as Admit, Discharge and Transfer (ADT), supports many of the core administrative functions in healthcare such as person and patient registration and encounter management.
AE Archetype editor This is a client side open source tool used by clinicians to develop archetypes for use in both point-of-care and research settings
AM Archetype model
ANA American Nurses Association The foundation of the Standards for Excellence program is the published Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code for the Nonprofit Sector.
APPC Advanced Patient Privacy Consents
ARIES Architecture for Rapid Implementation of Enterprise Systems
ASTM-CCR American Society for Testing and Materials Continuity of Care Record
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Ambulatory Care

When a patient needs medical attention without the need for admission, it is called ambulatory care. Ambulatory care includes several medical procedures or treatments that can be performed on an ambulatory basis. Blood tests, X-rays, endoscopy, biopsy and vaccination are some examples of ambulatory care.


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